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IMPORTANT NOTICE: All prices are subject to change. The prices listed here are for reference only and were the publisher's suggested retail price at the time we posted this catalogue. Usually, LEA Book Distributors will charge the publisher's suggested US retail price or at times the publisher's price for foreign customers. Check with us for latest price changes.

Le ofrecemos estas selecciones excepcionales:
(LEA no vende estos productos a clientes dentro de España):

Catholic Holy Bbile-- Sagrada Biblia Catòlica
Published by Oceano Grupo Editorial

Here is the Book of Books in a luxurious edition with 131 engravings by Gustavo Doré, 148 full-color illustrations, gilded trim, and hard cover with gold stamping, in a 9 in. by 12 in. format. This standard version of the Holy Bible was translated from the Latin Vulgate into Spanish by P. Petisco, the famous Jesuit professor of the University of Salamanca, and published for the illustrious D. Félix Torres Amat, Bishop of Astorga, in the 19th century. It helped popularize the Bible in the Spanish-speaking world, giving many Christians full access to the Scriptures for the first time. Now it is available for your home or library in the present beautiful edition.

Published/Released: June 2003
ISBN: 84-494-2081-4
Page count: 1,600
Weight: 9 lbs./ 4.08 kgs
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-El libro de los libros en lujosa edición de bibliófilo
-132 grabados de Gustavo Doré
Más de 1576 páginas
-148 láminas a todo color
-Lujosa encuadernación en tapa dura con estampaciones en oro
-La SAGRADA BIBLIA se presenta ahora en una cuidada edición de bibliófilo, que ennoblece y distingue el hogar que la posee. Un exquisito presente para todas las familias cristianas.

Religions of the World-- Religiones Del Mundo
Published by Oceano Grupo Editorial

"...The politics of Islam, with a sidebar on the World Trade Center and Pentagon attack, are also discussed. The textbook format has limited visual appeal but the volume offers easy access to clearly written information."
-- School Library Journal (January 2003)

An objective and inclusive view of belief systems in all cultures and eras forms the basis for this single volume. From prehistoric funerary monuments to the rise of monotheism and the world?s three great religions, this volume examines the role of religion in civilization. Also covered are so-called "alternative religions" and eastern religions. Tables, charts, historical maps and color photographs add to the concise and vivid portrait of world religions offered by the text. This is a Spanish Language text.

Published/Released: October 2002
ISBN: 84-494-2195-0
Weight: 6 lbs./ 2.72 kgs
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-Los tiros, los sacrificios, las creencias…
-Gran cantidad de ilustraciones, fotografías y cuadros a todo color
-Cronología comparada e índice analítico
-Sólida encuadernación con sobrecubiertas a todo color plastificadas
-Desde los primivitos monumentos funerarios hasta las grandes religiones monoteístas, pasando por el chamanismo, las diversas mitologías, el budismo…RELIGIONES DEL MUNDO conduce al lector a un fascinante recorrido por una de las dimensiones esenciales de la humanidad. El sentido de lo sagrado y sus diversas manifestaciones en las sociedades y culturas en todo el mundo se exponen en esta obra extraordinaria de manera documentada, rigurosa y amena.

Great Enigmas of Humanity-- Grandes Enigmas de la Humanidad
Published by Oceano Grupo Editorial

Inexplicable facts, unforgettable people and strange legends are the subject of this one-volume history. Did Atlantis exist? Who was the real Rasputin? Are there hidden messages in the stained-glass windows of certain gothic cathedrals? When did the Great Flood occur? These are among the provocative questions this volume addresses for the student and general reader in clear, balanced texts and with hundreds of full-color images and maps.

Published/Released: October 2002
ISBN: 84-494-2203-5
Weight: 6 lbs/ 2.72 kgs
Price: $79.00

-Los misterios jamás resueltos de la historia.
-408 páginas con gran cantidad de ilustraciones, fotografías y mapas a todo color.
-Sólida encuadernación con sobrecubiertas plastificadas a todo color.
-¿Existió alguna vez la Atlántida?, ¿quiénes trazaron las líneas de Nazca?, ¿son posibles las premoniciones? GRANDES ENIGMAS DE LA HUMANIDAD es un libro apasionante se abra por donde se abra.

Great Enigmas: The Fascinating World of the Occult-- 
Grandes Enigmas: El Fasinante Mundo de lo Oculto

Published by Oceano Grupo Editorial

Occult researcher Tomás Doreste has created a comprehensive guide to the occult that will interest the Spanish speaking general reader and the student of Spanish in search of unusual and high interest report topics. Extra-sensory perception, the spirit world, and the secret of the pyramids are some of the great enigmas that investigated here in these four illustrated volumes. This product is published in Spanish only

Published/Released: September 2000
ISBN: 84-776-4567-1
Weight: 16 lbs./ 7.26 kgs.
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-Una obra insustituible para los que buscan explicaciones a lo desconocido.
-Amplísima bibliografía y extensos índices de lugares y personajes.
-Magnífica encuadernación con tapas impresas a todo color y plastificadas.
-En GRANDES ENIGMAS, el prestigioso investigador de lo oculto Tomás Doreste ofrece al lector una obra insustituible, sobre todo para quienes buscan explicaciones a lo desconocido: los poderes que se esconden detrás de la mente humana, los otros mundos, los hechos que escapan a la percepción sensorial, el más allá de la vida física, el secreto de las pirámides…

Tarot, Palmistry, Astrology, Graphology-- 
Tarot, Quiromancia, Astrologìa, Grafologìa

Published by Oceano Grupo Editorial

Each volume in this four volume set centers on one of these arts of divination. Readers are introduced to the history, beliefs, and practices associated with the methods of fortune-telling. Full color paintings, drawings and diagrams illustrate the text, of interest to the general reader and student alike. This product is published in Spanish only

Volumes in this series include:

Published/Released: September 2000
ISBN: 84-494-0580-7
Weight: 16 lbs./ 7.26 kgs.
Ask for price and availability

-Ciencia y predicción
-Gran cantidad de fotografías, dibujos, gráficos y esquemas a todo color
-Una obra para comprender todos los aspectos, incluso los menos divulgados, de estas apasionantes disciplinas que unen saberes milenarios, como la astrología y la quiromancia, con conocimientos esotéricos, como el tarot, y psicológicos, como la grafología


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