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An Indispensable Reference 
The Truth Must Be Told: 
How Spain and Hispanics Helped Build The United States

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RE:   The Truth Must Be Told
How Spain and Hispanics Helped Build The United States
By Carlos B. Vega

Essential for:
    Public Libraries, Colleges, High Schools, Community, Civic, and Cultural Organizations as well as Government Agencies and Institutions, General Media.

Publishing DATE: March, 2003

Exclusive Distributor for the US:
LEA Book Distributors.
170-23  83rd Avenue, Jamaica Hills, NY 11432, USA
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Format: 8'/a x11 
Binding: Softcover 
Pages: 187
Cover: 4 colors; text in black. Illustrated. 
List price: $35.00 (U.S.)
ISBN: 0-9742338-03.

Brief Description of the Book:

    For over two hundred years, Americans have been kept unaware of the enormous and far-reaching contribution made by Spain and other Hispanic countries, such as Mexico, to the making of their great republic. The real historical truth has been twisted and distorted, or worse yet ignored to the detriment of the nation as a whole. The distinguished American scholar Charles F. Lummis, once wrote that "If Spain had not existed 400 years ago, the United States would not exist today," meaning that this nation is for ever indebted to its Hispanic heritage.

    Professor Carlos B. Vega has taken a giant step in exposing the real truth, which had remaind buried in the catacombs of history for the past 500 years. His scholarly and engrossing work is based on factual historical records and is beyond dispute and reproach. It is sure to reach far and wide and prompt much reflection as the United States struggles today to establish its own cultural and historical identity.

    When asked why he wrote the book, Prof. Vega quickly responded: My true objective has always been to see both Americas united; just as there is one Europe and one Asia, there should also be one America. Knowing and understanding the true history of America, and being profoundly proud of our roots is the key. It is my hope that my book will contribute in some measure to such a noble realization.

About Carlos B. Vega

       Professor Vega is the author of a total of 34 publications, including several best-sellers.

       At the present time he is working on two new books, one of which deals with the prominent role of women in the Conquest of America, and to be published in the United States in the Fall of 2003. He is the proud translator into Spanish of America's Charters of Freedom (Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Gettysburg Address) which brought him nationwide recognition and acclaim. The book has been made part of the permanent Americana collection of the Library of Congress. For a detailed listing of all his publications, please refer to "Books In Print" or contact the publisher.


Note: America's Charters of Freedom in English and Spanish is available (in one volume) on bulk orders only.  If interested, please inquire for details.

A Synopsis

This is a very scholarly work, based solely on historical fact. Its main objective is to demonstrate that Spain and other Hispanic countries, such as Mexico, played a most significant role in the making of today's United States. Regretfully, most of the credit has been systematically given to a handful of other countries, namely England, with little recognition to Spain and the others. Te book sets out to correct this historical injustice, which had remained buried in the catacombs of history for the past five hundred years.

The reader is certain to be amazed at the abundance of historical facts supporting this assertion, coming to the full realization of the United States's great Hispanic heritage which is much more than just music and food. In fact, it is far-reaching and encompassing all aspects of American life and culture. As the noted American scholar Charles F. Lummis once wrote "If Spain had not existed 400 years ago, the United States would not exist today."

The book draws from numerous authoritative sources, mostly American and British scholars of great repute and standing. The fact that their voices have been ignored for so long is indeed appaling. The book is honest and straight-forward, letting the whole and undistorted truth come forth as it set out to do.

A book such as this was long overdue, and it has taken a well-informed and determined writer to bring it to light. Indeed, it is destined to become a must-read-book in American history classrooms, especially today when we as a nation struggle to ascertain our own historical and cultural identity.

The author, Carlos B. Vega, born in Spain and raised in the Americas (a resident of the United States since 1960 and a naturalized American citizen) is a professor at Montclair State University in New Jersey and author of 34 books. His next book, written in Spanish and to be published by one of the U.S.'s leading scholarly publishers, is due to come out in the Fall, 03. It is titled: "Conquistadoras: Mujeres célebres de la conquista de Amé6rica," the first serious attempt to highlight the lives and deeds of over fifty most significant and honorable women (Spanish, Indians, Blacks) in the conquest of America. He is also the translator into Spanish of America's Charters of Freedom (Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Gettysburg Address) which brought him nationwide recognition and acclaim.

Readers' Comments, Testimonials, Critical Reaction:

After reading "The Truth Must Be Told: How Spain And Hispanics Helped Build The United States," I should write a thank you letter to the author, who obviously feels so passionate about the truth that he crafted and thoroughly researched, a book that should be used as a reference for writing future American history books.

Nancy Viana-Rodriguez

Everyone knows that the study of our past is not the most exciting to relive in the classroom. And for those of us who are native of countries other than America (or better-said, North America) learning all about someone else's past such as the U.S. history can be completely uninteresting. What could possibly stimulate me, a native of the Dominican Republic, to willingly soak up facts after facts of the U.S. history? Perhaps the "Truth Must Be Told" may spark interest. In Carlos B. Vega's "The Truth Must Be Told" unthinkable details about our Spanish ancestry were purposely omitted, time after time, from U.S. educational textbooks. Details that could no longer be ignored, and thus "The Truth Must Be Told" was written primariy to enlighten and correctly educate Hispanics. Many issues discussed in this book were first to my knowledge and surely first to many others. I believe and feel I am not alone when saying that I was somewhat deprived and perhaps some may add robbed of my rightful education.

Eduardo Hernández

The book does a wonderful job in clarifying U.S. history. It is very thorough and filled with many facts of which I was not aware. I was especially unaware of how much financial aid Spain had given to the American Revolution. I think also that this book does instill a new sense of pride in Hispanics in that it makes us aware of the truly bountiful gifts that Spain and Hispanics have given to this country. 1 hope that the book receives widespread reading, and that as a result maybe one day this country will teach a true history.

Gina Cordero

I was nicely surprised to find out how much work Spain did over the 155 16t
h, 17th, and 18th centuries until America claimed its independence from mother Spain in the 19th century. It was fascinating to finally read a piece on the good deeds of Spain. I have taken a few courses on Latin America and I was always presented with a negative portrait of this European country, but it is good to read a positive portrait. Thank you for writing a book that will not let us forget the past, to understand why and who we are.

Veronique Dubocage

Through the reading of this book one is overwhelmed by a multitude of facts referring to Spain's accomplishments in the Americas. Many who read this book will find that they will encounter basic historical facts for the first time. Through the recognition of Spanish contributions and the importance of Hispanics in this country, the United States can acquire a true identity for its people and share it with the many ethnic groups that have made this land their home.

Giuseppe A. Cacioppo

The author's remarks on Hispanics and on women have opened up my mind to a different way of thinking. Specifically, the comment made about the fact that Hispanics have a general tendency to walk around with a feeling of inferiority. They fail to realize their own value in this world. After all, as stated in the book, the Hispanic culture is incredibly unique. As I read further, I found the remainder of the book to contain very useful historical information that most Americans do not even know.

Tennelle Traci Norman

Cuando el autor dice en el libro que tiene como objetivo resaltar las mayores contribuciones que Espaòa y otros países hispanos han hecho para formar a los Estados Unidos, no solo en parte sino en su totalidad, estoy completamente de acuerdo, porque es por medio de este libro que nos ilustramos a saber más de la historia que se nos ha obviado y que yo particularmente nunca había leído antes en libro alguno.

Ana María Ticona

The book is written in a conversational manner and is reader-friendly which makes it more interesting to read. Talking about his famly adds a personal touch to it. It covers fascinating topics that make the reader think and realize that the author's beliefs are true. Spaniards have not been given much credit for the building of the United States. Most historians in the past have been British which is why they have taken sides with their country and have given England all the credit.


Quiero recalcar que el profesor Vega ha escrito un libro que toda persona educada y amante de la cultura debería leer. En general, me gustó mucho el contenido del libro ya que el profesor Vega saca a relucir el legado de Espaòa a América y temas de mucha importancia. Mis felicitaciones por poner bien en alto nuestra cultura hispánica que siempre ha pasado desapercibida.

Sat Pastorizo

Wow! That was the first thought I had as I read this book. The first chapter makes the reader reason and think about issues that are valid, yet hardly spoken of. First the question the author makes: "Have most historians been afraid of telling the truth and if so why? With this question, the author begins to question the way history has been told and continues in
part to be told. He answers the question with sarcasm, and even an argumentative tone, showing not only how passionate he is about this subject and telling the truth, but also to reason with the reader, to make him or her think about history in a complete context. As a Hispanic, I truly appreciated the words of the author concerning pride and worth.

Mónica Burgos

This book led me to ask questions that I would have never asked had I not read it. The Romantic style of writing was very interesting and different from most nonfiction or history books. Could this be called a history book? It certainly could. It is history told with a
refreshing point of view. Growing up in New Jersey schools, I learned of only United States history and culture until late high school and still I can't recall any significant mention of Spain or any Hispanic culture, and what it was mention spoke mainly of Cortez and his crew describing them as manipulative, raping and pillaging, disease-spreading pirates. Oh yes, once in the fourth grade there was a brief mention of Caribbean Hispanics and it was an optional reading...

Verónica Ortiz

Searching for the truth may sometimes be an impossible task to accomplish. The truth could be flipped upside down thousands of times. Historians through the ages have tried to portray an image that maximizes the reflection of their best interest. Whether it is the author's best interest or the nation's interest, sometimes the truth is concealed to mold what the true reality is. This book is out to achieve the mission of enlightening the nation on how Spain and Hispanics helped build the United States. It clearly helps clarify what really happened
in the founding of the United States of America and its culture. Hopefully, one day historians can proudly admit their inaccuracy of what actually occurred.

Carlos Peòaloza

El uso de metáforas para dar una muy clara descripción de cada dato expuesto en el libro es excelente; describe tan bien el punto de vista, o más bien la investigación y conclusión, que no hay aspecto que no quede claro. El papel que desempeòaron cada uno de los países, especialmente Espaòa, en el desarrollo de los Estados Unidos es muy interesante. Es muy importante que la verdad sea dicha, y debería empezar en las escuelas para sembrar en la nueva generación una conciencia de identidad para que más adelante tengan las armas necesarias para luchar por su verdad.

Iris Geraldo

No hay duda de que el libro es excepcional por su genuina estrategia de transmitir al lector el uso de la imaginación para analizar minuciosamente nuestro pasado, presente y futuro de acuerdo con la historia. Este libro se refiere a la veracidad de la historia como realmente es, sin quitarle y sin aòadirle; es como comenzar desde el descubrimiento y terminar en el presente y relatar todo como realmente ocurrió. Es como ir quinientos aòos atrás en la historia y dar mérito a la gente que verdaderamente aportó a la construcción de Angloamérica. Se deja saber al lector que los conquistadores espaòoles fueron los pioneros. Es darle crédito de ese descubrimiento también a la mujer, especialmente a la reina Isabel de Castilla. En este libro se realza la labor de la mujer que no solo es capaz de levantar una familia, pero que también ha desempeòado papeles importantes desde los tiempos antiguos hasta nuestros días.

Felicita Muñiz

"The Truth Must Be Told" was definitely a different kind of history book. Being a history major myself, I was both unrequited and puzzled by the approach that was taken. Everything was different about this book. Not only the language, the structure, the meaning but also the
fact that perhaps this book was different from all the rest in that it had a purpose. To even classify this book as a "history book" may in fact be farfetched in the realm that this book did more than just tell the history of Spain's involvement in the establishment and growth of the United States. This book raised questions, discussion, and even personal reflection on one's own heritage.

Cristina A. Méndez

The book was very easy read. I enjoyed reading it and think that Spanish people should be proud of how much they have accomplished, and how much they have helped to create the United States. Before reading this book I never thought about Spain, its history and about how much it contributed to history.

Tamara Gerlovin

This is a magnificent book in which the author,
Carlos B. Vega, expresses his deep admiration and respect for the United States, and also seeks to enhance the popular knowledge of the history of this powerful country. His words are honest and true as he tries to uplift the spirits of Hispanics. This book will undoubtedly cause controversy since the ninety-eight percent of history that has been "squeezed out" is being brought out into the open. I personally feel ecstatic that such a knowledgeable and well respected man has wisely invested his time to write a book that will open up the eyes of the world and that has dared to challenge conventional history.

Cinthia Mullen

I believe this book is an eye-opener for those who are so blind to see the truth about the United States.

Fiara Leo

¡Hay tanta información en el capítulo 1! ¡Tanta información que no sabía! ¡Tanta información importantísima que todo el mundo debe saber para llegar a un mejor entendimiento de la verdadera historia de Estados Unidos! Cuando era niòa en el colegio siempre tenía que estudiar la historia de los Estados Unidos. Jamás en mi vida había aprendido el papel tan importante que Espaòa tuvo en el desarrollo de las Américs en general y especialmente en Norteamérica. Espero que con la ayuda de este libro y otros que saldrán acerca de este tema, los niòos del colegio hablarán de los grandes hechos de los espaòoles e hispanos en Norteamérica.

Blake Yael Faison

La lectura de este libro provocó en mi mente una mezcla de sensaciones y me dejó un tesoro de información que yo desconocía. La manera en que el autor desarrolló la escritura del libro es muy impactante. A través de la lectura pude apreciar y sentir muy de cerca
el sentimiento y pasión que puso el autor en ella y, por supuesto, su orgullo por sus raíces y cultura. En este libro se puede apreciar no solamente la opinión personal del autor, sino la verdad que está apoyada por muchos datos históricos e información que el autor entrelazó de manera muy especial a través de toda su obra. La lectura de este libro me llenó de mucho orgullo, no solamente al saber que pertenezco a una mezcla de razas tan extraordinarias, sino también al saber que mis antepasados contribuyeron de una manera tan impresionante al desarrollo de una nación tan poderosa como Estados Unidos.

Sonia Ríos


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