Home --- Estudios Hispánicos --- Páginas de Autor ---JOSÉ DONOSO---NOVELA Y CUENTO
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Editoriales Alfaguara, Seix Barral y Cátedra


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Le ofrecemos estas selecciones excepcionales 
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Casa de campo

Donoso, José

Editorial: Seix Barral
Colección: Biblioteca Breve
Genero: Novela
504  págs.
Preio:  $20.00
ISBN: 84-322-0344-0



Cuatro para Delfina

Donoso, José

Editorial: Seix Barral
Colección: Biblioteca Breve
Genero: Relato
272  págs.
Precio:  $12.00
ISBN: 84-322-2337-9



Este domingo

Donoso, José

Editorial: Seix Barral
Colección: Biblioteca Breve
Genero: Novela
192  págs.
Precio:  $12.00
ISBN: 84-322-0297-5 


El jardín de al lado

Our Price: $19.95
ISBN: 956-239-016-0    # of pages: 205
Publication date : 12/1/98
Imprint: Alfaguara    Format: Paper
Language: Spanish   Orig. Language: Spanish

This semi-autobiographical novel is a stunning example of Donoso's gift for optical illusion; things are not always what they appear to be. El jardín de al lado portrays the life of a Chilean writer exiled in Spain and obsessed by his lack of literary success.


El lugar sin límites
COLECCIÓN Letras Hispánicas
AUTOR / COORDINADOR Donoso, José (Autor/a)
ISBN 84-376-1776-6
PRECIO  $15.00


El lugar sin límites

Our Price: $15.95
ISBN: 956-239-014-4    # of pages: 134
Publication date : Feb 2000
Imprint: Alfaguara    Format: Paperbound

In a hellish world, false appearances, sleaziness, violence and misery dominate. It all takes place around the brothel of the "Geisha" and "La Manuela", an enigmatic and brilliant figure.


El Mocho

Our Price: $19.95
ISBN: 956-239-027-6    # of pages: 193
Publication date : 5/1/98
Imprint: Alfaguara    Format: Paper
Language: Spanish   Orig. Language: Spanish

The story of the relationship between a young boy and Don Arístides who is El Mocho. In this volume Donoso investigates the origin of those families who came from Spain to live in Chile and contributed to the lifestyles and values of subsequent generations.



El obsceno pájaro de la noche

Donoso, José

Editorial: Seix Barral
Colección: Biblioteca Breve
Genero: Novela
552  págs.
Precio:  $24.00
ISBN: 84-322-0204-5 


El obsceno pájaro de la noche

Our Price: $25.95
ISBN: 956-239-033-0    # of pages: 564
Publication date : 12/31/99
Imprint: Alfaguara    Format: Paper
Language: Spanish   Orig. Language: Spanish

This haunting jungle of a novel has been hailed as a "masterpiece" by Luis Bunuel and "one of the great novels not only of Spanish America but of our time" by Carlos Fuentes. It recounts the story of the last member of the aristocratic Azcoitia family, a monstrous mutation who is protected from the knowledge of his deformity by being surrounded by other freaks. A triumph of imaginative, visionary writing. Its luxuriance, fecundity, horror, and energy will not soon fade from the reader's mind.

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Home --- Estudios Hispánicos --- Páginas de Autor ---JOSÉ DONOSO---NOVELA Y CUENTO
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