Home --- Estudios Hispánicos --- Páginas de Autor ---JOSÉ DONOSO---OTRAS OBRAS
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Editorial Alfaguara


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Historia personal del «boom»

Our Price: $18.95
ISBN: 956-239-047-0    # of pages: 233
Publication date : 8/1/98
Imprint: Alfaguara    Format: Paper
Language: Spanish   Orig. Language: Spanish

Donoso, a central figure of the Latin American Boom, writes an authentic and sincere report on his contemporaries: Carlos Fuentes, Mario Vargas Llosa, Julio Cortázar and others. This edition includes two appendixes. The first is written by Donoso's wife, María Pilar Donoso, and includes an intimate look into the group of Hispanic American writers. The second appendix is written by José Donoso, and looks at the remains of the Boom and covers the awards, revolutions, fame, and the heirs of Fuentes, Cortázar, Vargas Llosa, and others.

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Home --- Estudios Hispánicos --- Páginas de Autor ---JOSÉ DONOSO---OTRAS OBRAS
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