--- Professional Books --- Dictionaries --- Science & TEchnology ---
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Translators & Language Professionals
Subject-Area Dictionaries from
Elsevier Group:
Medicine, Science &Technology
Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Genetics, 
Internet, Mecicine, Physics, Science, Psychiatry, Zoology

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All prices are subject to change. The prices listed here are for reference only and were the publisher's suggested retail price at the time we posted this catalogue. Usually, LEA Book Distributors will charge the publisher's suggested US retail price or at times the publisher's price for foreign customers. Check with us for latest price changes.

TO ORDER: Just send an e-mail with your list, full address, and credit card data. Institutions: Send P.O. orders@leabooks.com

We offer these outstanding choices:

NEW!:  2003  Elsevier's Dictionary of Acronyms, Initialisms, Abbreviations and Symbols
(in Science, Technology, & Medicine)
Second, Revised and Enlarged Edition

Elsevier's Dictionary of
Abbreviations, Acronyms, Synonyms and Symbols used in Medicine
In English (with definitions)

Elsevier's Dictionary of
In English (with definitions)

Experimental Design
A Handbook and Dictionary for Medical and Behavioral Research

Elsevier's Dictionary of
In English (with definitions)

NEW!:  2004  Elsevier's Dictionary of Foresty

Elsevier's Dictionary of the
Genera of Life
In English (with definitions)

Dictionary of Infectious Diseases  (Print + CD-ROM)

Elsevier's Encyclopedic Dictionary of
In English (with definitions)

Medical Terminology for the Practicing Nurse
In English (with definitions)

A Dictionary of
Pharmacology and Allied Topics
Second Edition

Elsevier's Dictionary of
Plant Genetic Resources
In English (with definitions)

Elsevier's Dictionary of
Plant Names and their Origin
In English (with definitions)

NEW!:  2003

Elsevier's Dictionary of Acronyms, Initialisms, Abbreviations and Symbols
(in Science, Technology, & Medicine)
Second, Revised and Enlarged Edition
F. Benedetto Mattia, Milan, Italy

The dictionary will contain an alphabetical listing of approximately 30,000 (thirty thousand) acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations and symbols covering approximately 2,000 fields and subfields ranging from Pelagic Ecology to Anthrax Disease, Artificial Organs to Alternative Cancer Therapies, Age-related Disorders to Auditory Brainstem Implants, Educational Web Sites to Biodefense, Biomedical Gerontology to Brain Development,Cochlear Implants to Cellular Phones, Constructed Viruses to Copper Metabolism, Drug Discovery Programs to Drug-resistant Strains, Eugenics to Epigenetics, Epilepsy Drugs to Fertility Research, Genetically Modified Foods/Crops to Futuristic Cars, Genetic Therapies to Glycobiology, Herbicide-tolerant Crops to Heritable Disorders, Human Chronobiology to Human gene Therapies, Immunization Programs to Lunar Research, Liver Transplantation to Microchip Technology, Mitochondrial Aging to Molecular Gerontology, Neurodegenerative Diseases to Neuropsychology of Aging, Neurosurgery to Next Generation Programs, Obesity Research to Prion Diseases, Quantum Cryptography to Reemerging Diseases, Retinal Degeneration to Rice Genome Research,Social Anthropology to Software Development, Synchrotron Research to Vaccine Developments, Remote Ultrasound Diagnostics to Water Protection, Entomology to Chemical Terrorism and hundreds of others, as well as abbreviations/acronyms/initialisms relating to European Community and U.S., Japanese and International Programs/Projects/Initiatives from year 2000 up to 2010 as well as World Bank Programs.

Year 2003   

Elsevier's Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, Synonyms and Symbols used in Medicine
In English (with definitions)
S.A. Tsur, Akko, Israel

A vast amount of information, including abbreviations of medical terms used in the field of anatomy, bacteriology, biology, chemistry, medicine (human and veterinary), pathology, pharmacology, etc., has been meticulously catalogued since work on the project started in 1979 from medical journals, scientific dictionaries and encyclopedias, and compilations of medical abbreviations published in the US and other countries. Over 20,000 entries have been included, with especially detailed itemization of the chemical elements, hormones, insulins, kidney function tests, pulmonary function tests, serological tests for syphilis, symbols used in various disciplines, such as biology, calculation, chemistry, Greek alphabet, medicine and pharmacy, numeration and signs of the zodiac, the vitamins , etc. Besides these, under their respective headings different names, scientific and otherwise, have been catalogued for drugs such as amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid, marijuana, opium etc.

Year 1999   

Elsevier's Dictionary of Biology
In English (with definitions)

R. Tirri
J. Lehtonen
R. Lemmetyinen
S. Pihakaski
P. Portin, University of Turku, Department of Biology, Turku, Finland

Cover Page    Biology is an extensive subject that has undergone a vast expansion and so comprises not only such conventional aspects as taxonomy, morphology, biochemistry, functional physiology, and ecology, but also the rapidly expanding new fields of cell biology and molecular biology. This dictionary attempts to provide a comprehensive coverage of biological terms, recognising also that the interface between biology and other sciences, such as chemistry and physics as well as medicine, is becoming less distinct and includes terms from these other areas.

    This book is intended especially for teachers and students of biology and other natural sciences, environmental sciences and medicine. College students, amateur biologists, journalists, translators and civil service officers will also find this a useful tool.

International Journal for Language & Documentation
"...the best aspect of the book is the succinct but clear explanations of every term."
"...This is a must purchase for academic and special or personal collections in the biological and medical research fields. It, also, would be suitable for large public libraries and for upper level high school student use. "
Translatio-Nouvelles de la Fit
"...Elsevier's Dictionary sets out to give an answer to the terminology problems within the very largely extended subject of biology. As such, it will prove to be useful not only to students and their teachers of biology, but also to other people who regularly deal with biology related texts. Translators, amateur biologists, journalists, biologists in industry and the administrators of biological programmes, for example, will undoubtedly find the dictionary a useful tool as well. "

Year 1998   1st reprint 2000

Experimental Design
A Handbook and Dictionary for Medical and Behavioral Research
J. Krauth, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Psychologisches Institut, Lehrstuhl IV, Universitätsstrasse 1, D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany

Included in series: Techniques in the Behavioral and Neural Sciences, 14

Cover Page    Scientists planning experiments in medical and behavioral research will find this handbook and dictionary an invaluable desk reference tool. Also recommended as a textbook for students of Experimental Design or accompanying courses in Statistics.
Principles of experimental design are introduced, techniques of experimental design are described, and advantages and disadvantages of often used designs are discussed.
This two-part volume, a handbook of experimental design and a dictionary providing short explanations for many terms related to experimental design, contains information that will not quickly become outdated.

A. Handbook of Experimental Design.
1. Historical remarks.
2. The object of experimental design.
3. A case for experimental design.
4. Control of extraneous variables.
5. Preliminary experiments and pilot studies.
6. Designs which had better be avoided.
7. Designs without repeated measures.
8. Designs with repeated measures.
9. Single-case experimental designs.
Answers to the Questions (with References).

B. Dictionary of Experimental Design.
References; Author Index; Subject Index.

Year 2000   Hardbound , Paperback

Elsevier's Dictionary of Fisheries
In English (with definitions)

P.K. Eapen, Cochin, India

Cover PageElsevier's Dictionary of Fisheries contains a large number of technical terms in fisheries, their respective meanings and explanations in a concise and simple manner. Like an ocean, the subject fisheries too, is vast and multi-disciplined. The terms have been selected to represent most of these disciplines.

The dictionary contains terms covering the following fields and subfields: Marine biology, Limnology, Ecology, Pathology, Oceanography, Meteorology, Aquaculture, Fishing gear and gear materials, Fishing methods, Fish processing and products, Processing machines, Microbiology, Quality control, Fishing boats and equipment, Navigation, Law of the sea, Fisheries statistics. Only those terms which are frequently used, or which are thought to be helpful to different kinds of users are included.

Translatio-Nouvelles de la Fit.
"...With the wide range of fisheries-related fields included and the mostly clear explanations in English, the dictionary can be a very useful tool for many different target groups, ranging from beginning students to experienced specialists. "
Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer
"...Alles in allem liegt hier ein Nachschlagewerk vor, an dem auf diesem Gebiet tätige Dolmetscher und Übersetzer nicht vorbei kommen, auch wenn es "nur" rein englischsprachig ist. Es gibt kein anderes Buch, in dem man eine solch enorme Zahl von wohl ausgewählten Fachwörtern und ähnliche Informationen nachschlagen kann. "
Fishing Boat World
"...A valuable addition to international fishing knowledge."
Die Muehle and Mischfuttertechnik
"...ist das Wörterbuch der Fischerei ein wertvolles Instrument für Praxis, Forschung und Lehre."

Year 1999   

NEW!: in 2004

Elsevier's Dictionary of Foresty
B. Delijska

The dictionary will contain terms used today in forest science, management and conservation, comprising forest ecology, forest entomology and pathology, forest fire management, forest geomatics, forest meteorology and hydrology, forest soils and geomorphology, forest surveys and mensuration, genetics and tree improvement, harvesting and forest operations, integrated forest management, photogrammetry and remote sensing, physico-mechanical properties of wood, processing (panels, pulp and paper, sawing, etc.), silviculture, tree physiology, agroforestry, urban forestry, wildlife and wilderness management and arboriculture, wood anatomy and structure.

Year 2004   

Elsevier's Dictionary of the Genera of Life
In English (with definitions)
S.A. Tsur, Akko (Acre), Israel

Cover Page    This dictionary is the alphabetical compilation of most of the recognized genera of life, as we know it on earth, of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. The Latin names of more than 5,280 animals and plants, bacteria, fungi and other parasitic forms of existence are listed, together with at least one example of their respective species.

An index of the more common or lay names of the various genera has also been catalogued, enabling the reader to arrive promptly at the scientific/Latin name of the particular genus.


The NHBS Catalogue
"...Includes more than 5,280 genera, making this book one of the most comprehensive compilations of its type ever published. ... A valuable reference for botanists and zoologists."

Year 1999   

Dictionary of Infectious Diseases

D. Raoult, Faculty of Medicine, Marseilles, France
R. Tilton, North American Laboratory Group Ltd., USA

Cover Page    Truly a collective work, the Dictionary of Infectious Diseases is an indispensable aid for clinicians, epidemiologists, teachers and scientists. The CD-ROM version includes more than one thousand original color photographs, and the printed version contains a vast amount of information providing quick and simple answers to clinicians' everyday questions.

    Edited by Prof. Richard Tilton, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Clinical Microbiology and former Director of the Clinical Microbiology Division at the University of Connecticut, and Prof. Didier Raoult, professor of microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine in Marseilles (France), specialist in intracellular bacterial infections, this dictionary features both clinical syndromes and descriptions of specific microorganisms, including emerging infectious diseases. Maps, phylogenic trees and tables enable the reader to quickly visualize risk factors and sources of contamination. Students and educators will also find useful descriptions of laboratory techniques for identifying pathogens.

A huge amount of information which is rapidly accessible through cross-referencing by key words in the book, and numerous hypertext links in the CD-ROM make this dictionary a precious tool for physicians, biologists and students for updating and enriching their knowledge of the field.

Audience: Specialists in infectious diseases, Virologists, Bacteriologists, Epidemiologists, Medical Teachers and Students.

Year 1999   

Set of print + CD-ROM

Elsevier's Encyclopedic Dictionary of Measures
In English (with definitions)
D. Fenna, Zystematica Inc., 51055 Range Road 204, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada T8G 1E5

This dictionary addresses the myriad units of measurement that have arisen through the ages, from classical weights etc., to the latest scientific units - all addressed in historical terms, across cultures as appropriate. Most of the 4000 terms are basic in content, with just the information required to convey role and size (in metric and US units), but relationships between units are shown fully, and many entries give encyclopedic exposition of the historical development and usage of units. Such articles add considerable readability to what is essentially a comprehensive master reference work serving the humanities, science and general interests.

Each entry consists of a headword, the broad purpose (measurement realm or functional context), the country or other area of use, the description and definition, and, where appropriate, etymological and translational notes and synonyms of the headword.

The dictionary is of special interest to researchers, teachers and translators in the humanities and science, people involved in international trade, investment, travel and news reporting, engineers and engineering students as well anyone interested in understanding the many facets of measurement involved in everyday life.

International Journal for Language and Documentation
"This book is endlessly fascinating; I genuinely could not put it down. There are some 4,000 terms covering all languages and cultures, all fully explained. ... The sheer comprehensiveness of the work is astonishing,... the explanations are packed with information, ... "
"...the coverage in general is excellent. ...the truly global coverage of measures is unprecedented and quite useful. ...a recommended book for all university libraries."

Year 1998   

Elsevier's Medical Terminology for the Practicing Nurse
In English (with definitions)
S.F. Vanderwerf, Temple, TX, USA

Cover PageMedical nomenclature is continually evolving and changing. Its objective is to achieve full scientific interaction among all those who share this discipline. In the course of their work, professional nurses are required to comprehend and interpret medical terminology. This dictionary presents a correlation of medical and nursing terms as reflected in medical practice and nursing arts. Also included, is a survey of little-used and/or newer terminology which more articulately documents clinical findings. Readers of this dictionary will be encouraged to embrace medical terminology as a career-long discipline with a purpose.

Audience: For professional/vocational nurses, the laity seeking medical information, university faculties and students and teachers of all levels and subjects.

Year 1998   

A Dictionary of Pharmacology and Allied Topics
Second Edition

D.R. Laurence, London, UK
J.R. Carpenter, Derbyshire via Stockport, UK

Cover PageThis dictionary spans the practice of pharmacology, and of allied sciences insofar as they are related to it, with particular emphasis on the development, regulation and use of human medicine. It is offered to students as well as to professionals in pharmacology and allied sciences for reference and for browsing, and as a bedside book and travelling companion. Its size (approximately 2000 entries) is appropriate for these uses.

Features of this dictionary:

o Provides definitions of terms in pharmacology, both basic and clinical

o Gives information on new medicine development and official regulations

o Covers allied topics, including statistics, ethics, scientific miscounduct, authorship, publication and law.

The International Journal of Risk and Safety, Prof. Graham Dukes
"A dictionary like this was long needed, particularly because the meaning of most terms used in pharmacology (and a lot of other areas of medicine) has evolved and experienced sufficient mutation to cause misunderstanding.

...This is a magnificent book. Let us not say that it should be on every bookshelf; it should be so intensively used by every scientist and writer in this field that it never has time to on the bookshelf at all. "

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, Dr. Jeffrey K. Aronson
"The book has a wide scope, encompassing terms in basic pharmacology and toxicology, various aspects of clinical pharmacology and drug use, some statistics and law, and a few other words thrown in for good measure (chaos, euphemism, and jargon, to pick a few at anything but random). Dip into it stochastically (q.v.) just before a tutorial and you will find some topic or other to stimulate discussion. "

Year 1998   Hardbound , Paperback

Elsevier's Dictionary of Plant Genetic Resources
In English (with definitions)
International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome, Italy

Plant genetic resources is a rapidly expanding field of interest that is becoming increasingly important as global warming affects the patterns of world agriculture. Every country will have to consider more active breeding programmes to develop new varieties of crop plants adapted to the changing conditions. Plant genetic resources will provide the raw material for these breeding activities.

This dictionary is in effect a glossary of the terms used in the field, defining words drawn from the many, diverse areas of interest that plant genetic resources involve, from plant taxonomy to molecular genetics. Over 1800 definitions are provided, all of which have been developed in consultation with experts in the field, particularly the genetic resources units of the international agricultural research centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. IBPGR is one of these centres.

Students, postgraduates and in particular the staff of national programmes in plant genetic resources will be interested in the book, as well as the libraries of connected institutions.

American Reference Books Annual
"... appropriate for libraries that hold materials pertinent to agriculture, food and animal sciences, horticulture, molecular agencies, and plant biochemistry and physiology."

Year 1991   1st reprint 1995

Elsevier's Dictionary of Plant Names and their Origin
In English (with definitions)

D.C. Watts, Bath, UK

Cover Page    The dictionary will contain about 30,000 vernacular and literary English names of plants (plus a few American), both wild and cultivated, with their botanical name and a brief account of the names' meaning if known. It was conceived as part of the author's wider interest in plant and tree lore, and ethnobotanical studies.

    Knowledge of plant names can give insight into largely forgotten beliefs. Why for example is, or was, the common red poppy known as "Blind Man"? An old superstition has it that if the poppy were put to the eyes it would cause blindness. Such names were probably the result of some taboo against picking the plant. Similarly, other names were likely to have been applied as a result of a country mother's warning to her children against eating poisonous berries. For the warning carries more weight when the name given to the berry reinforces the warning. Many such plants or fruits may be ascribed to the devil, Devil's Berries for Deadly Nightshade is an example.

Names may also be purely descriptive, and can also serve to explain the meaning of the botanical name. Beauty-Berry is an example: it is the name given to the American shrub that belongs to the genus Callicarpa, which is made up of two Greek words that mean beauty and berry.

Literary, or "book" names, have also been included in this dictionary, as being a very important part of the whole. Many of them provide links in the transmission of words through the ages. Thor's Beard, for example, is a book name for "houseleek", and has never been used in the dialect. But it highlights the legend that houseleek is a lightning plant, and by reverse logic is a preserver from fire.

Journal of Ethnopharmacology
"...This dictionary contains about 30,000 vernacular and British names of plants with the goal to summarise British 'plant and tree lore'. ...The sheer size of the undertaking, but also that the book is such a meticulous piece of scholarly work is very impressive and makes the book a unique and very useful source of information on British plants. ...It is of interest to anyone doing research on British plants, their history and current use and to linguists and other scholars focusing on the British language. "

Year 2000   

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