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New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2002
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Catholic Encyclopedia 2002 Edition.
New Catholic Encyclopedia Published by Gale
Edition 2
Published in 2002
1967, the New Catholic Encyclopedia, cited by Library Journal as one of
the top 50 reference sources of the millennium, has been a standard in public,
academic and high school libraries worldwide. Prized for its scholarly
presentation of persons and subjects related to Catholicism and the humanities,
the Encyclopedia is the first place you turn when your users have
questions on topics such as abortion, divorce, cloning and reproductive
technology. Gale, together with The Catholic University of America, is proud to
announce a new and updated edition of this multi-volume set -- the first new
edition in more than 30 years.
This revised edition features contributions from hundreds of scholars from all over the world, under the guidance of Catholic University of America's Reverend Berard Marthaler, O.F.M. and Gale. Incorporating content from the five supplementary volumes to the first edition of the New Catholic Encyclopedia, this new edition also features revised and new articles, bringing the entire encyclopedia up to date. Among the 12,000 entries in the Encyclopedia are articles on theology, philosophy, history, literary figures, saints, musicians and much more.
What impact did Catholicism have on Shakespeare? What role does music play in religious worship? Why is the fish a Christian symbol? What did John Paul II have to do with the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe? What?s the difference between the Catholic and Protestant bibles? The only comprehensive source on Catholic teachings, the New Catholic Encyclopedia is the source to consult for answers to questions like these, and hundreds of others.
In addition to the hundreds of new signed articles on a wide variety of topics, this new edition also features biographies of contemporary religious figures; thousands of photographs, maps and illustrations; and completely updated bibliographical citations. The 15th volume is a cumulative index to the entire encyclopedia.
Published/Released: 2002
2nd Ed.About
12,000 pp. in 15 vols. Ready September 2002.
ISBN 0-7876-4004-2. Order #GML35001-113827.
U.S. $1,995.00/15-vol. set.
_ Abortion
_ Pope John XXXIII
_ Afterlife
_ Life, Origin of
_ Ars moriendi (The Art of Dying)
_ New York, Archdiocese of
_ J.S. Bach
_ Notre Dame, University of
_ Buddhism
_ Peter, The Apostle
_ Byzantine Art
_ Pope Pius XII
_ Church in Kenya
_ Poltergeist
_ Faith and Reason
_William Shakespeare
_ Holocaust
_ Temptation
_ Islam
_ Tempting God
_ Jesus Christ, Contemporary
_ Tolerance
_ Developments in Theology
_ And much more
_ Evelyn Waugh
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